
This program was created to respond to the labour shortages that some parts of Canada are experiencing. It will allow individuals with a job offer or appropriate certification to access Permanent Residence. Your trade must fall into the following major and minor groups of the NOC:

  • Major Group 72, industrial, electrical and construction trades,
    Major Group 73, maintenance and equipment operation trades,
    Major Group 82, supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture and related production,
    Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing and utility supervisors and central control operators,
    Minor Group 632, chefs and cooks, and
    Minor Group 633, butchers and bakers

Just like in the Canadian Experience Class if your position and experience are not as outlined in the NOC you will not be eligible to apply.

The Federal Skilled Trades Class is set as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada as workers in a skilled trade, and who:

  • intend to reside in a province other than the province of Quebec

  • meet the minimum language proficiency threshold set by the Minister for proficiency in English or French for each of the four language skill areas

  • have acquired at least two years of full-time work experience (or the equivalent in part-time work experience) in the skilled trade occupation specified in the application for permanent residence during the five years before the date of the application. This work experience must have been acquired after becoming qualified to independently practise that occupation, according to the regulations in place where the work was performed;

  • have met the relevant employment requirements of that skilled trade occupation as set out in the National Occupation Classification (NOC), except for the requirement to obtain a certificate of qualification issued by a competent provincial authority

  • have an offer of employment for continuous full-time work for a total period of at least one year from up to two employers in that skilled trade occupation OR hold a certificate of qualification in that skilled trade from a Canadian provincial or territorial authority

You are required to have an offer of employment for this category and provide proof that you meet the requirements outlined by NOC for your specific trade.

Contact us to get you in touch with the professionals indicated to assess your case. Our goal is to provide you with a deeper understanding and better solutions

Emigra Canada